It would appear that the PhantasmaGoria Film Festival, which took place in Swindon, Wiltshire, UK is no longer around. All I can find is info on their 2006 festival, which really doesn't say too much about what they did in 2007, let alone their plans for 2008. Further, it looks like it was never called the PhantasmaGoria Film Fest at all! It was called Bloodbath. Either way, it's no longer going on. Cancel your flight to Swindon.... wherever that is.
The Indy Horror Film Festival seems to have been melded into the Chicago Horror Film Festival, which takes place in September this year (Sept 26 - 28, to be exact). The last bit of news on their site is from March 26th, 2007, where they reported that they've been having "many ups and downs with getting the Indy Horror Film Festival into it's second year." Now, when you click on the Indy Horror Film Fest's Myspace page, you're taken directly to the Chicago Horror Film Festival. So, long and short, seems those "ups and downs" are all downs now... see you in Chicago.
They haven't fully updated their site, but Fantastic Films Weekend is back on and will be held June 13 - 15th this year in the National Media Museum (NMeM), based in Bradford, West Yorkshire. The Fantastic Films team is hard at work putting together the program and they've already lined up some special guests... also, they're planning on screening film prints of "The Thing", "Outland" and "Poltergeist". Cool...
I have the wrong website on the festivals page for the Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival, I guess they changed it - here's a link to the new page. It's going to take place from July 1 - 6 this year. If you don't know where Neuchatel is, don't fret... neither do I. However, since it's subtitled, 'The Swiss Event for Fantastic Films, Asian Cinema & Future Images", I'm guessing it's somewhere in Switzerland. ...and is it just me, or does that subtitle sound like it could be the sequel to "Borat"?
The 2nd Annual "B" Movie Celebration is going to be held in Franklin, Indiana this year from September 26th - 28th and they're screening some pretty cool movies. It's too long to list here, but here's a link to their site, where you can take a look at what they're screening in glorious 35mm original formats.
Dragon*Con 2008, the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music and film, will be held Labor Day weekend (August 29 - Sept 1) in Atlanta, Georgia. A lot of their site is still about the 2007 festival, but I'm assuming it'll be quite similar to the 2008 festival. In any case, the link I have on the festivals page is current.
Everything else in our film festivals section appears to be up to date through the summer. Now get off your ass and go support indie horror by either submitting a film or attending one of these festivals!
Don't forget Sci Fi London. It's got some Horror in it, too, and it runs from April 30th to May 5th.
I did... but now I won't. Thanks, I'll add it.
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