Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12th, 2008 - A Slow Week In New Horror Releases...

It's a slow week in new horror releases, but that's fine with me... Brad's off in Vegas shooting some stuff for a project he's working on and my beer-league softball team just made the finals, so I've got a lot of beer drinking and softball to play this week. Here's what's coming out this week and, as usual, you can check out the trailers on our Youtube page (there's only 2 there this week) and/or click on the titles to buy them off Amazon.

Okay, so I've never heard of the Chicago legend of "Resurrection Mary". I was trying to figure out why there were five movies with the same title, so I looked into it. Turns out it's one of Chicago's best known ghost stories. Here's a link to the wikipedia article on it. Regardless, this version of "Resurrection Mary" actually came out in 2005, was directed by Michael Lansu and stars Jason Ryan Lovett and Joe Estevez, among a few other noteables. I'm a big fan of Estevez's, not because he's Martin Sheen's brother, but because he's worked with Dead Harvey's own Brad on a few projects and is both a great actor and a really nice guy. The plot summary for "Mary" is quite long, so, basically, it's about this guy who's unsure about getting married, partly because he see's some girl in white. The girl in white hitches a ride at one point, causes an accident, which ends up leaving the guys fiance in a coma. Then, he finds out that the girl in white, "Mary", is actually in "a dance with the devil and now sins, sanity and his fiances salvation are at stake".

"Survival" comes from Joe Francis, who's currently in production on "Survival 2". I think the trailer looks awesome, as I think they shot this on super 8, which gives it that "Chainsaw Massacre" look, which I really like. I can tell it's a low-budget indie, but I'm having trouble finding out more about the film. I tried to quickly look into it, but unfortunately the director, Joe Francis, shares the exact same name as the founder and CEO of "Girls Gone Wild", which makes it hard to do any sort of search on his name. Either way, I'm going to try and find out more about the project, as it looks pretty good.

"3 a.m." is directed by Sidney Mansa Winters and it was written by Greg Niecestro. It's the first film from Winters and it looks like Niecestro not only wrote it, but produced it, edited it and also acted in it. It was apparently inspired by a true story, where a ghost visits a guys room every night at 3 AM, then the guy is followed by the number 3... sounds a bit like the Jim Carrey film, "23", but better... a lot better. Well, I thought "23" sucked, so it wouldn't be hard to be better, but... either way, check this one out.

"Supernova" - Does this actually warrant me talking about? This is the mini-series that ran on the Hallmark TV channel back in 2005 and starred Luke Perry, Tia Carrere, Peter Fonda and Lance Henriksen... Peter Fonda is as an astrophysicist who discovers that the sun is older than we thought and it's about to blow up. Tia Carrere plays an agent from a secret American government agency and Luke Perry is a scientist buddy of Fonda's... wow, I feel dirty for having just written that.

"Drive-In Cult Classics 2" - I'll just mention the titles from this: The Madmen of Mandoras, They Saved Hitler's Brain, Bloodlust! and The Creeping Terror. They're all in black & white and from between 1961 - 1963.